Nature Harmony

Our company’s Schöneck plant is situated in a secluded location in the middle of nature and is surrounded by open fields with few protected areas for wild animals. All the more reason for rare animal species to settle in our beautifully landscaped 15-hectare site with its mature trees and natural compensation areas. This demonstrates the excellent compatibility between modern industry and nature at this location. We are particularly pleased to be home to the wildcats, which are extremely rare in Germany. Wildcats have increasingly disappeared in Germany due to the loss of habitats rich in hiding places as a result of the clearing and conversion of forests and the loss of hedgerows and copses. In addition, wildcats have a high cub mortality rate in the wild. The frequently visible wildcats and their young feel particularly at home in our fenced and protected factory premises. A. Ebbecke Verfahrenstechnik AG feels a special connection to nature and our wild animals and continuously installs facilities on the factory premises. Every year, an animal of the year is honoured and protective measures are implemented together with our employees. In 2024, our company’s animal of the year is the field hamster.