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What is supply chain management (SCM)? The definition
Supply chain management (SCM) originates from the logistics sector. The definition reads: “The term supply chain management, also known as Wertschöpfungslehre in German (value creation theory), refers to the collaborative planning, management and control of cross-company value creation systems with a network structure, whose institutions and processes are related through the flow of goods, finances and information.“ (Source:
Objectives of SCM
As a supply chain management partner, Ebbecke Verfahrenstechnik AG accompanies all customers along the value-added and supply chain from raw materials to the end product. This offers resource optimization for the respective company.
Online source:, retrieved: September 28th, 2019, 10:30 UTC
Literature sources:
1. Supply Chain Management und Logistik: Optimierung, Simulation, Decision Support / Hans-Otto Günther,Dirk C. Mattfeld,Leena Suhl / 2005
2. Vernetztes Supply Chain Management / Helmut Wannenwetsch / 2005
3. Theorie, Anwendbarkeit und strategische Potenziale des Supply Chain Management / Georg Konrad / 2005